Monday, July 18, 2011

Sucker Punch

              First off IMDB gave this one 6.3 out of 10. Generous, aren't they.  However Rotten Toms at least got the rating right, they rewarded Sucker Punch a  generous 4 of 10.  Which is what I am giving as well. 
              Directed by Zack Snyder this film is shot in the fashion of snyders previous film Watchmen which is also worth seeing at least once.   The main characters are very attractive but lack star quality which often fuels movies of this genre. Snyder was also the writer of this story and a good story it was.  Like a graphic novel but not graphic enough at times.  Hence the PG 13 rating.
                A fellow movie goer expressed to me that he felt a lot of unwanted cuts had to be made for this movie to once again reach a wider audience at the cost of a truer movie experience.
                Hollywoods broken record playing in a theatre near you, right.   It moves pretty fast and will entertain you. I enjoyed the back and forth storytelling and the Fincheresque visuals were pretty good(for me) but I was left with a pretty bad review in my mind.  I'm willing to bet only children will feel the urge to view this more than once.
              Carla Gugino and Scott Glen were the only names in the cast and no one goes to a movie to see either one of those semi-thespians.
               If your in the mood for a movie on a lazy day this will deliver but if you paid full price to see this one you're the sucker.